Current Sponsors

Thank You to all of our current 2024 sponsors for providing crucial support to one or more teams for the Idaho Challenger Little League Division.

Potential Sponsors

Thank You for your interest in sponsoring one or more teams for the Idaho Challenger Little League Division.

Currently, a Team Sponsorship is $150.00. Please understand that the funds do not go directly to a particular team, but are deposited into the general account and used to benefit the local Challenger league.

Please make your check payable to: Challenger Little League. Challenger is a division of Little League International and is a non-profit organization.

Our local division of Challenger Little League is under the direction of Idaho District II and Western Regional out of San Bernardino, CA. The local D.A. (District Adm.) is Brian Hartvigsen. His phone Number is (208) 906-3264. E-mail address:

Your support is greatly appreciated. Your donation will be used to buy new equipment, team uniforms and helping those who are financially unable to afford the registration fee. Challenger is an all volunteer league and no one is paid for his or her services.

As a sponsor, your business name and/or logo will be printed on the back of each team memberโ€™s shirt. Please provide a copy of your logo. If you have sponsored in the past, we should have your logo on file.

We welcome and encourage you to attend any and all games. We will be having an end of the season picnic and would be honored to have you attend to receive proper recognition. Check the Schedule for details.

Please download and view the Sponsor Inquiry Letter for more details.

Should you choose to sponsor one or more teams, please download and view the Sponsor Payment Letter for more details.

Thank you again for your support, and at any time you might have a question please feel free to contact us.